讲座嘉宾:Christina Victor

Christina Victor joined Brunel University London in October 2009. She is Professor of Gerontology and Public Health and Vice Dean (Research) in the College of Health and Life Sciences as well as the Ageing Studues Theme Leader in the Institute of Environment, Health and Societies. Christina’s initial research interests were focussed upon health and health inequalities and the evaluation of services for older people. More recently she developed a keen interest in loneliness and isolation; the benefits of exercise and activity in later life and the experiences of old age and later life amongst minority communities and the experience of ageing for people with intellectual disabilities. She has received funding for her research from a range of funders including ESRC, NIHR, Dunhill Medical Trust, Leverhulme and the British Academy. She is Editor of Ageing and Society, the leading social gerontology journal in Europe. She is a member of a range grant awarding bodies including NIHR and ESRC. She is a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health and an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences. In 2017 Christina was awarded the Lifetime Achievement award of the British Society of Gerontology and awarded Fellowship of the Gerontological Society of America.
讲座题目:Loneliness in later life
Loneliness may be defined as the gap between the quantity and/or quality of the social relationships that an individual desires and that which they actually have. As such it is both a subjective experience and one that is both unpleasant and unwanted by the individual. Loneliness is often perceived as a 'normal part of ageing' and older people as lonely and isolated. Focusing upon older adults, those aged 50+, this seminar will explore attitudes and expectations of loneliness in later life, reflect upon the different types of loneliness and present data about the prevalence of loneliness. We conclude by outlining current policy and practice development that seek to address loneliness in later life.