
讲座题目:Conjugal Power and the Marriage Market



讲座嘉宾:William Lavely


William Lavely is Director of the East Asia Center and Professor at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies and the Department of Sociology. His research and teaching interests are in the SMS field and focus on social demography and Chinese society.

讲座简介:It is widely accepted that a marriage squeeze for men enhances the bargaining power of women and improves their status relative to husbands, but there is another pathway connecting the demographics of the marriage market to a woman’s conjugal power. The late G. William Skinner hypothesized that age differences between spouses affect the relative power of husband and wife. The present paper provides a test of Skinner’s conception of conjugal power using data from large-scale surveys conducted in six Chinese provinces in 1985 and 1987. Although the surveys do not contain direct measures of power relations, they do contain unusually intimate data about spousal relations, namely, frequency of intercourse, and reasons for the absence of sexual relations in the two weeks prior to the survey. We use a wife’s propensity to respond that she has not had intercourse as an indicator of her conjugal power, on the assumption that this is indicative of her ability to decline to have sex. Because this is a novel measure, evidence of its validity will be provided. The results support Skinner’s view of conjugal power as structured by the demographic facts of a marital union.

讲座题目:Innovation and Challenges in Gerontology Graduate Training in North America and Beyond



讲座嘉宾:Andrew Wister and Barbara A. Mitchell




  Dr. Wister is currently Director of the Gerontology Research Centre at Simon Fraser University (SFU) and Professor in the Department of Gerontology, where he spearheaded the development of the Masters in Gerontology and PhD in Gerontology programs. He is an internationally recognized expert on aging issues, policies, research and training and has also been active in the Canadian Association on Gerontology, receiving the Distinguished Member Award in 2014. Dr. Wister was also past Chair of the National Seniors Council of Canada. As the lead on the Simon Fraser University Data Collection Site and Computer Assisted Telephone Interview Site, Dr. Wister is part of the Canadian Longitudinal Study of Aging (CLSA). Dr. Wister has written over 85 highly cited peer-reviewed articles, a dozen books and monographs, and numerous chapters, reports and other publications on: baby boomer health dynamics; population aging and population health; multimorbidity resilience and aging; social isolation; environmental adaptation among older adults; patterns of family and social support; and life-course trends and transitions.


Barbara A. Mitchell is a Professor of Sociology and Gerontology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. She recently served as Social Science Editor for the Canadian Journal on Aging (2011-2015). She is the author of two books, The Boomerang Age: Transitions to Adulthood in Families, and Family Matters: An Introduction to Family Sociology in Canada, 3rd ed. Her work has also been published in many journals, such as Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Family Issues, Family Relations, International Journal of Aging & Human Development, BMC Geriatrics, and International Psychogeriatrics.

讲座简介:The talk would have two parts: 1) a short description of our graduate program in gerontology at SFU; and 2) results of a study that we conducted of graduate programs in gerontology in North America, with applications to fostering international graduate training in aging and health.

