
讲座题目:Grandparents’ Financial Contributions to Grandchildren in Rural China
讲座人:Merril Silverstein
    Merril Silverstein教授现任美国锡拉丘兹大学公民和公共事务学院和社会工作学院教授。曾长期担任南加州大学社会学和Davis老年研究中心终身教授。2003年至今担任国际社会学协会老年研究分会顾问委员,长期担任“老年学杂志:社会科学版”(Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences)、“老龄问题杂志”(Journal of Aging Issues)、“家庭关系”(Family Relation)和“家庭科学”(Family Science)学术刊物的编委会成员。
    There is a sizable literature on grandparents who provide care for their grandchildren in developed and developing countries, but little research on the economic investments that grandparents make in their grandchildren. In this investigation, we used a sample of older adults in rural China to examine direct monetary transfers made by grandparents for the benefit of their grandchildren. Relying on theories of altruistic and patrilineal preferences, we examined financial transfers made by 831 grandparents to grandchildren in the families of 1,634 parents. Results revealed that the greatest contribution went to grandchildren for whom grandparents provided full-time care because their parents were labor migrants. This finding was net of remittances received, suggesting that personal resources of grandparents were being contributed. In addition, transfers to grandchildren fully followed the male-lineage, with the greatest contributions to grandchildren in grandson-dominated families whose parents were first-born sons. Taken together, these findings support altruistic motivations of grandparents within the context of a strong patrilineal system.
