
讲座题目:Migration, EU migrants in the UK and Brexit
讲座人:Jane Falkingham
   Jane Falkingham现任英国南安普顿大学社会与人类科学学院院长,南安普顿大学人口学与国际社会政策教授,英国经济社会研究委员会理事会成员。作为ESRC人口改变中心的主任,Jane Falkingham特别关注人口老龄化的经济和社会后果以及老年人和儿童福祉。鉴于她对社会科学的突出贡献,Jane Falkingham于2015年6月被授予大英帝国勋章(OBE)。
   Increasing levels of international migration into the UK, and associated concerns over the changing population structure, was one of the key issues in the debates surrounding the recent referendum in the UK regarding its continued membership of the EU. This paper examines trends in international migration over the past decade and discusses the characteristics of EU migrants living in the UK. It also briefly examines the demographic characteristics of the 'Brexit' vote, highlighting differences by age and education before discussing some of the likely demographic consequences of Brexit.