Jing Ma
§ 研究方向
§ 个人简介
西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划”A岗特聘教授, 博导
博士 (曼尼托巴大学) : 环境科学
硕士 (滑铁卢大学):系统设计工程
§ 科研项目
§ 学术及科研成果
Selected Publications:
Ma, J.*, Hipel, K.W., Hanson, M.L. An evaluation of the social dimensions in public participation in rural domestic waste source-separated collection in Guilin, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190: 35 (2018). (SCI)
Ma, J.*, Hipel, K.W., Hanson, M.L., Cai, X., Liu, Y. An analysis of influencing factors on municipal solid waste source-separated collection behavior in China by using the theory of planned behavior. Sustainable Cities and Society 37, 336-343 (2018). (SSCI & SCI)
Ma, J.*, Hipel, K.W., Hanson, M.L. Public participation in municipal solid waste source- separated collection in Guilin, China: status and influencing factors. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 60(12), 2174-2191 (2017). (SSCI)
Ma, J.*, Hipel, K.W. Exploring social dimensions of municipal solid waste management around the globe - a systematic literature review. Waste Management 56, 3-12 (2016).
Ma, J.*, Hipel, K.W., McLachlan, S.M. Cross-border conflict resolution: sediment contamination dispute in Lake Roosevelt. Canadian Water Resources Journal 38(1), 73-82 (2013). (SCI)
Ma, J., Hipel, K.W.*, De, M. Devils Lake Emergency Outlet Diversion conflict. Journal of Environmental Management 92(3), 427-447 (2011). (SSCI & SCI)
Ma, J., Hipel, K.W.*, De, M. Transboundary water policies: assessment, comparison and enhancement. Water Resources Management 22(8), 1069-1087 (2008). (SCI)
Ma, J., Hipel, K.W.*, De, M. Strategic analysis of the James Bay hydroelectric dispute in Canada. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 32(5), 868-880 (2005). (SCI)
§ 联系方式
Email: jing.ma@xjtu.edu.cn
Open positions for Postdoctoral Researchers, PhD and Master’s students.